PPE & Digital Solutions

Bringing people safely together anywhere.

Global provider of PPE and tools to protect your staff and customers

Face Shields | Ear Saver Mask Accessory | Countertop Screens | Customer Virtual Line | Contactless Check-In | Virtual Events

Physical Protection

PPE, Ear Protection, Counter Shields, and Ventilator Components

Technology Solutions

Solutions for protecting employees and customers

Firebolt PPE Facility helping Healthcare

Celebrating Today’s Heroes

Firebolt is proud to do our part to support our heroes. We’re here to support our frontline workers and businesses who want to get back to work safely and responsibly. Our manufacturing plant has been transformed to produce a full line of PPE, store safety shields, ventilator components, and more. 

Thank you to all the heroes that paved the way and kept us safe while we figured out how to help; doctors, nurses, police, firefighters, cleaning staff, grocery staff, and all our essential workers who braved the unknown.

In order for you to get your business back on track, you need the tools to keep everyone safe and secure. We are a global provider of a full line of PPE and digital solutions, designed to provide a safe environment for businesses, staff, and customers.

Watch the Firebolt transformation and how our dedicated employees retooled our plant in days to manufacture PPE.

In-Store Screens

Face Shield

In response to COVID-19

Countertop Screen

In response to COVID-19

Digital Solutions for Businesses

We’re here to help bring people together safely and responsibly

A global provider of PPE and technology solutions

Get in touch

Contact us about PPE or our Digital Solutions